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Proving good employment practices with monitor glasses




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Seeh | Hans Anders Zakelijk

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Proving good employment practices with monitor glasses

There are many definitions for being a good employer. TNO defines being a good employer as "the behavior of employers or managers that optimally takes into account the interests of employees, based on the belief that this will benefit all.

As an employer, you must provide a safe and healthy workplace. This is required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. A safe working environment, the right equipment or clothing and everything else needed to work safely. This includes, for example, the right office chair, protective clothing and prescription monitor glasses.
The more risk there is, the more measures you need to take.

Good employment practices are elaborated in four aspects

  • Employers who demonstrate good employment practices have an open culture in the organization, focusing on respect, honesty, credibility and open communication. This manifests itself in the manner of communication between employer and employee and colleagues among themselves and in "the confidence employees have in the people they work for, whether they take pride in what they do and have fun with the people they work with. This also manifests itself in the style of leadership.
  • Employers who demonstrate good employment practice are tailor-made in employment relationships: this refers to the extent to which a constructive employment relationship exists between employee and employer with attention to individual tailoring and mutual efforts. Employer and employee are equal partners in the discussion.
  • Being a good employer means paying attention to employee development and growth. This is expressed, among other things, in the provision of training and educational opportunities and a challenging range of tasks. From the employee, this requires a willingness to develop.
  • Good employment practices involve a healthy and safe working environment. The employer has a legal duty to provide safe and healthy working conditions. Employees are expected to perform work in a safe manner. Thus, there is a shared responsibility for a safe and healthy work environment.

Take good care of your people

Employees expect safe working conditions. Employers are required by law to create a proper and safe workplace for their employees.
But what does a safe workplace look like for employees who work with monitors? Almost all employees who work behind a monitor for more than two hours suffer from physical discomforts such as cramping of neck and shoulders, headaches, burning or dry eyes and blurred vision.
These complaints are unnecessary! With prescription monitor glasses you can prevent or reduce these complaints considerably.

What is the solution for employees who work behind a screen?

Een beeldschermbril of computerbril op sterkte is een bril die het beste zicht geeft achter je beeldscherm. Het glas wordt speciaal op sterkte gemaakt om dichtbij, midden-ver en ver scherp te kunnen zien.

A pair of prescription screen glasses provides sharp vision behind your computer, tablet or smartphone. Whatever strength you have, the special glass allows your eyes to strain less and tire less quickly. In addition, the prescription spectacles ensure that you no longer sit behind your screen with a tense posture. In short, with prescription glasses you increase your own working comfort while working at home or in the office and prevent or minimize annoying physical complaints.

What are the advantages of prescription screen glasses?

  • Better vision
  • Give your eyes rest
  • Better posture
  • Less burning eyes
  • Less headaches

A prescription display lens works effectively against the artificial blue light from a display screen. The lenses have a special Blue Filter coating that reflects the bright light. Without monitor glasses, this light would fall deep into the eye and could cause complaints. The special lenses of computer glasses provide a calm and sharp view of the screen and prevent eye fatigue. prescription monitor glasses are comfortable to wear and are available in trendy frames.

By providing appropriate eye protection, such as prescription monitor glasses, employers can help reduce eye strain, visual stress and other possible complaints associated with prolonged work with monitors. Compliance with these requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act not only promotes health and safety in the workplace, but also ensures that employees can perform their tasks more comfortably and effectively. It is therefore essential that employers are aware of their responsibilities and take the necessary measures to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

What does the Health and Safety Act say about prescription screen glasses?

Vanuit de Arbowet is iedere werkgever verplicht ervoor te zorgen dat werknemers veilig hun werk kunnen doen. Ook beeldschermwerk mag geen gevaar opleveren voor iemands veiligheid en gezondheid. Om werknemers te beschermen zijn er een aantal regels opgesteld: voorafgaand aan de beeldschermwerkzaamheden of bij het ontstaan van oogklachten, moeten werkgevers hun werknemers de mogelijkheid bieden om een oogonderzoek te ondergaan. Wanneer er wordt geconstateerd dat een beeldschermbril kan helpen tegen de klachten, is de werkgever verplicht de kosten voor de beeldschermbril te vergoeden. Werknemers die een leesbril nodig hebben en beeldschermwerk verrichten, hebben standaard recht op een beeldschermbril vergoed door hun werkgever.

Source: Working Conditions Decree Article 5.11 Measures relating to the protection of the eyes and eyesight of workers.

Every employee deserves a safe and healthy work environment. This often leads to lower absenteeism, higher productivity and increased job satisfaction.

Wil je meer weten over beeldschermbrillen op sterkte? Of ben je benieuwd naar de prijzen van deze brillen? Wat je vraag ook is, wij helpen je graag!

Artikel door

Seeh | Hans Anders Zakelijk

Seeh is jouw partner in oog- en gehoorbescherming, met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring. Samen met Hans Anders helpen we bedrijven in Nederland en België eenvoudig aan oog- en gehoorbescherming op maat. Met onze oplossingen zorg je ervoor dat je medewerkers altijd veilig en comfortabel kunnen werken.

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Artikel door

Seeh | Hans Anders Zakelijk

Seeh is jouw partner in oog- en gehoorbescherming, met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring. Samen met Hans Anders helpen we bedrijven in Nederland en België eenvoudig aan oog- en gehoorbescherming op maat. Met onze oplossingen zorg je ervoor dat je medewerkers altijd veilig en comfortabel kunnen werken.

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