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Success story: In 20 minutes, a monitor glasses scheme



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It started on a Monday morning with a phone call from the HR manager of a consulting firm in Brabant. She had heard enthusiastic stories about how monitor glasses could make a world of difference for employees and wanted to make it happen for her team. But where should she start? The budget was there, but a concrete plan was lacking.

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Success story: In 20 minutes, a monitor glasses scheme

The problem

When I spoke with her, I felt not only her enthusiasm, but also her uncertainty. The market offers so many options in glasses and frames, she was unsure what was the best and fairest choice for their employees. She wanted all glasses to be fully reimbursed, but without limiting employees in their choice of frames. The challenge was to set up an arrangement that would do justice to the budget while still offering freedom of choice.

"We knew our employees needed monitor glasses, but setting up an arrangement seemed almost impossible because of all the choices in lenses and frames."

The solution‍

We drew up a scheme in which we carefully helped choose the right glasses within the budget. For example, we ensured that everyone, regardless of prescription, received fully reimbursed lenses. In addition, we selected nearly 1,000 frames, giving employees freedom of choice at no extra cost. The result was an arrangement that gave the company control over costs while allowing employees to choose the glasses that suited them.

Implementation Process

Within 20 minutes we had set up a practical and well thought-out scheme. Employees could take their Seeh order form to any Hans Anders store and choose from the carefully selected frames and lenses. No surprises, no hassles, and full control of costs for the company.

Also read: Download our free white paper on making a good arrangement

The results

‍Weknew the scheme was working well, but we were even happier when the HR manager called me later, "I just had to let you know how well it's going!" She explained that an internal survey showed that as many as 93% of employees feel appreciated thanks to the new scheme. "Everyone is so happy with their glasses and we really notice a difference," she added. Productivity had increased noticeably, and absenteeism due to eye and back problems had dropped significantly.

Now, three years later, the scheme is still running successfully, and the company sees no reason to change anything.

Are you interested in a display glasses scheme for your company? Get in touch with us!

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