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What is the difference between display glasses, reading glasses and regular glasses?



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What is the difference between display glasses, reading glasses and regular glasses?

When you need glasses, it is important to choose the right ones.

There are different types of glasses, all designed to address a particular visual challenge. In this blog, we discuss the differences between display glasses, reading glasses and regular glasses.

When you spend a lot of time in front of the computer, complaints can arise. For example, less sharp vision, fatigue, headache or neck pain, burning eyes but also insomnia. Screen glasses are intended to increase comfort when working behind a screen and to prevent or minimise complaints. Just to be able to work comfortably. But what is the difference between screen glasses, reading glasses and "regular" glasses?

The difference between screen glasses, reading glasses and regular glasses

Screen glasses

We already knew that sitting at the computer a lot and intensively is not good for you. It can lead to all sorts of unpleasant complaints like reduced vision, fatigue, headaches or neck pain. That's where Seeh's prescription monitor glasses come in. Screen glasses offer the solution to complaints caused by office work. They offer your eyes the right support to work properly and for long periods of time, without causing complaints. Because that's what you should expect from a fine workplace.

Benefits of monitor glasses

  • Eye Comfort
    A pair of monitor glasses reduces eyestrain headaches and neck pain that is common with prolonged monitor work.
  • Blue light filter
    Many monitor glasses have a special coating that filters harmful blue light from screens, reducing the strain on your eyes.
  • Sharpness and Brightness
    Screen glasses help you see text and images on the screen more clearly without straining your eyes.

Reading glasses

From about 40 years of age, reading problems begin for many people. That is when reading glasses are purchased. Reading glasses are designed for people who have difficulty seeing sharp objects close by, such as a book or a newspaper. Reading glasses have single-strength lenses. These lenses are specifically tailored for close vision, usually at a distance of about 30-40 centimeters.

Benefits of reading glasses

  • Simplicity
    A pair of reading glasses is simple and effective for reading and other close-up activities.
  • Instant correction
    Reading glasses provide instant help in seeing small print and details without straining your eyes.
  • Easy to use
    Often available as a ready-made solution at drugstores and opticians.

Ordinary glasses

Ordinary glasses, also called everyday glasses, can have single or progressive lenses. This depends on the needs of the wearer. Ordinary glasses are designed for everyday use and can be adjusted for both near and far vision.

Advantages of regular glasses

  • Versatility
    Ordinary glasses can be adjusted for different visual needs, whether they are nearsighted, farsighted or a combination of both.
  • Multifunctional
    With progressive lenses, ordinary glasses can be used for both reading and distance vision.
Prrescription  computer glasses

Difference between reading glasses, regular progressive glasses and screen glasses from Hans Anders

Screen glasses versus reading glasses

From the age of about 43, your eyes generally deteriorate. Often it then becomes more difficult to see well at short distances. In that case reading glasses offer a solution. Reading glasses are suitable for a reading distance of 30 to 35 centimeters, but a screen is often at a distance of 50 to 60 centimeters, so you can still get complaints. Screen glasses are suitable for this. Perfect for anyone who does long-term screen work.

Multifocal screen glasses versus regular multifocal glasses

Multifocal glasses are a good choice for most everyday situations. Only, progressive glasses for work are of limited value. That's because progressive glasses have two optimal viewing areas. One part for near and one part for far. The viewing area for intermediate distance is very narrow. While working at a computer, you also look at your monitor through the lower part of the lenses. This causes you to lift your head to see everything clearly. When you sit in this unnatural position for a long time, a lot of pressure is put on your neck and shoulders.

Screen glasses then provide the solution to complaints that may arise from office work. Screen glasses are glasses that provide optimal vision when you do screen work. The lens is specially made for comfortable near, mid-far and far vision. This ensures that you see sharply and have a good working posture at the computer. This is in contrast to ordinary progressive glasses and reading glasses, with which you can adopt an incorrect posture in front of the computer, which subsequently can result in neck and shoulder complaints, among other things.

What is the difference between single and progressive lenses?

Single glasses

Single lenses are used for static work, such as work in which a lot of reading and monitor work is done at the same workplace. These glasses are mainly used for employees with an age of about 38 to 42 years.

Multifocal lenses

Multifocal lenses combine prescription for distance with prescription for near, without it being visible in the lenses. With multifocal (progressive) lenses, you can easily switch between near, the intermediate area and far away because the lenses have a natural gradient from plus to minus.
For the progressive computer glasses we have chosen Workforce Nearview, Midview and Longview. These lenses have different prescriptions; for near, the intermediate area and far. The distances in the lenses are adjusted between 40 centimeters and a maximum of 6 meters away being able to see well. This ensures that you can sit in a natural position behind your screen and also perform your other work well. So basically everywhere.

Computer glasses difference

Making a choice

Choosing the right glasses depends on your specific visual needs and lifestyle. Do you spend a lot of time in front of a computer? Then display glasses are ideal for you. If you mainly need help reading books or other close things, reading glasses are the best choice. Plain glasses are perfect for everyday use and can be adjusted to meet a variety of visual needs.


The choice of frame is up to you. As an employer, you can indicate in advance on the order form whether you can choose from the entire Hans Anders private brand collection, or whether, for a small additional charge, you can also choose from the A-brand collection: an assortment of more than 1,000 models that is constantly being renewed.

Eye measurement and advice

Eye measurements and corresponding advice are carried out by the well-trained and qualified employees of Hans Anders.
When creating an order form, a number of questions are gone through so that we help you choose the right screen glasses. You decide to what extent your employees and the Hans Anders optician are free to determine the best possible pair of monitor glasses. Our specialists will be happy to help you fill in your first order forms.

Do you have any questions?

At Seeh, we are happy to help you find the perfect pair of glasses to fit your needs and preferences. Please feel free to contact us for personalized advice.

You can call us at +31 (0)85 06 3056 or send us an email via our contact page.

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